Te Bote Remix Lyrics in Spanish and Translation in English - Nio Garcia, Casper, Darell, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Nicky Jam


Te Bote Remix Lyrics and English Translation

Song Te Bote Remix
Singer Nio Garcia, Casper, Darell, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Nicky Jam

Te Bote Remix Lyrics in Spanish

Paso mucha' noche' pensándote
Yo no sé ni cómo ni cuándo fue
Pero sólo sé que yo recordé
Cómo te lo hacía yo aquella vez
Sí, yo no puedo seguir solo
Pero sé que te boté

[Estribillo: Ozuna]
De mi vida te boté, yeh, y te boté
Te di banda y te solté, yo te solté
Pal' carajo usté' se fue, y usté' se fue
De mi vida te boté, yo te boté, yeh, yeh, mami

[Verso 1: Bad Bunny]
Baby, la vida e' un ciclo
Y lo que no sirve yo no lo reciclo
Así que de mi vida muévete
Que si te lo meto e' pa' recordar un T.B.T.
Ya yo me cansé de tus mentira'
Ahora hay una más dura que me tira
Todo tiene su final, todo expira
Tú ere' pasado y el pasado nunca vira
Arranca pal' carajo, mi cuerpo no te necesita
Lo que pide e' un perreo sucio en La Placita
No creo que lo nuestro se repita
Dale, prende un Phillie, deja uno ready pa' ahorita

Odio saber que en ti una ve' má' yo confié
Odio to' lo' "te amo" que mil vece' te texteé
Baby, mejor que tú, ahora tengo como die'
Lo nuestro iba en un Bugatti y te quedaste a pie

Yo te boté; te di banda y te solté, yo te solté
Pal' carajo te mandé, yo te mandé
Y a tu amiga me clavé, me la clavé
F*ck you, hijo 'e puta

[Verso 2: Darell]
Bebé, yo te boté
Y desde que te di esa' botá', las gata' son de tre' en tre'
Si tú quiere', pregunta, si no me cree'
Que ya no tengo estré', pa' completar las filas son express
¿Tú viste cómo el mundo se te fue al revé'?
Y yo con ella en R.D., que me enamoró el día que la probé
Yo ya no creo que vuelva y te dé, mami, porque el servicio te lo cancelé
Si no respondo el problema va a tocar fondo
Mami, respira hondo mientra' te lo escondo
Contigo obliga'o hoy yo me pongo el condón
Pero postea'o a media cancha, baby, como Rondón
Yo a ti te di una sepultura dura
Yo sé que con el tiempo la herida se cura
E' que en verdá' que tú no está' a esa altura
Te lo juro por Dio' aunque por Dio' no se jura

[Estribillo: Darell & Nio García]
Bebé, yo te boté
Te di banda y te solté
Pa'l carajo te mandé, eh, eh
De mi vida te saqué, eh, eh

[Verso 3: Casper Mágico]
Pa'l carajo te boté (Pa'l carajo te boté; ¡wouh!)
Yo sin ti me siento bien (Yo sin ti me siento bien; ah)
Ya no sufro por amore', ahora rompo corazone'
Y sobran las paca' de cien (Las paca' de cien)
Tú me rompiste el corazón (Tú me rompiste el corazón; ¡wuh!)
Sin sentido y sin razón (Sin sentido y sin razón; ah)
Pero tengo un culo nuevo que me da mucho cariño
Y me chinga bien cabrón (Bien cabrón)

No te lo vo'a negar que te sufrí, la pasé mal
Pero te superé y de mi vida te boté (Yo te boté)
Y te di banda y te solté (Y te solté)
Y de ti no quiero saber (Quiero saber)
Y pa'l carajo te mandé, hoy me voy a beber (Me voy a beber)

[Verso 4: Ozuna]
De mi vida te boté y yo sé que no ere' cualquiera
Me pasaré la vida entera preguntando a dónde fue
Pero tu amiga me textea siempre que ella me desea
Se tira una foto conmigo y me dice: "Pa' que tú la veas"

Prendo pa' ver si me olvido
De tu nombre, tus beso', tu cuerpo, tus gemido'
Lo hacíamo' en el carro, me gritaba al oído
Cierro los ojo' y pienso en todo lo que hicimo', baby
Prendo pa' ver si me olvido
De tu nombre, tus beso', tu cuerpo, tus gemido'
Lo hacíamo' en el carro, me gritaba al oído
Cierro los ojo' y pienso en todo lo que hicimo', baby

[Verso 5: Nio García]
Yo te di confianza y me fallaste
Te burlaste de mí y me humillaste
Lejo' de aquí te fuiste y ni explicaste
Viste mi película y viraste
¿Ahora quiere' saber lo que pienso de ti?
Me siento cabrón porque no estás aquí
Así como viniste tú te puedes ir

[Estribillo: Nio García]
No te voy a negar que te sufrí, la pasé mal
Pero me superé y de mi vida te boté, y te boté
Te di banda y te solté, yo te solté
Pa'l carajo te mandé, yo te mandé
Y de mi vida te saqué, yo te saqué
Bebé, yo te boté

[Nicky Jam]
Miento si digo que no me hace falta cuando me rozaba tu piel
Miento si digo que no me hace falta que llames al amanecer
Pidiéndome que te agarre bien duro en la cama y te haga mi mujer
Aprovecho el remix con Ozu' para mandarte pa'l carajo también

No quiero mentira' ni tu falsedad
Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear
Me bebo dos trago' y te voy a olvidar
Me voy con las babys que quieran jugar
No quiero mentira' ni tu falsedad
Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear
Me bebo dos trago' y te voy a olvidar
Me voy con las babys que quieran jugar

[Nicky Jam]
Bebé, yo te boté, te boté
Te di banda y te solté, yo te solté
Pa'l carajo te mandé, yo te mandé
Y de mi vida te saqué, yo te saqué

Te Bote Remix Official Video

Te Bote Remix Translation in English

[Intro: Darell, Ozuna]
Oh, oh (oh, oh)
Yeah (yeah, yeah)
This is a real remix, hey!
This is how it is
I spent many nights thinking of you
Now I don't even know how and when it was (eh)
I only know that I remembered (eh, eh)
How I did it to you then (oh-oh)
Yes, I can't keep on being alone (hehe)
But I know (but I know) that I kicked you out (that I kicked you out)
[Chorus: Ozuna]
I kicked you out of my life, and I kicked you out (yeah)
I sacked you and let you go (and let you go), I let you go (oh-oh)
To hell you went, and you went
I kicked you out of my life (I let you go), I kicked you out
Yeah, yeah, mami
[Verse 1: Bad Bunny]
Baby, life is a cycle (whoa!)
And what doesn't serve me, I don't recycle it (no)
So move away from my life
If I gave it to you, that's to remember TBT, yeah
I'm so tired of your lies
Now there's a hotter one that hits on me (yeah)
Everything has it's end, everything expires (yeah)
You are the past and the past never comes back
Go to hell (whoa!), my body doesn't need you (no)
What she asks for is a grind in La Placita
I don't think our thing will be repeated again
Go, light up a Phillie, prepare one for now, yeah (brrrr!)
[Pre-Chorus: Bad Bunny]
I hate knowing that I trusted you one more time
I hate all the "Love you" that I send you a thousand times
Baby, I have like ten chicks better than you now
Our thing went away in Bugatti and you stayed there on foot
[Chorus: Bad Bunny, Darell]
I kicked you out, I sacked you and let you go, I let you go
I sent you to hell, I sent you
And I nailed your friend, I nailed her (this is a real turn, you heard me?)
F*ck you, son of a bitch, yeah
[Verse 2: Darell]
Baby, I kicked you out (hah!)
And since I kicked you out, chicks come in threes (that's how it is)
If you want, ask them, if you don't believe me (baby)
That I am not stressed anymore
The lines are now completed expressly (hah-hah)
And see how your world went upside down?
And I am with her in DR (haha-haha)
I fell in love with her the day I tried her
I don't really think I'd come back to you and do you
Mami, 'cause I canceled the service for you
If I don't respond (huh), the problem is gonna hit rock bottom
Mami, take a deep breath while I'm hiding it (that's how it is)
With you, putting a condom on is a must
But I posted up in half court, baby, like Rondo (huh)
I give you a hard burial (that's how it is)
I know that time will heal the wound (by law)
And the truth is that you're not really on this level (huh)
I swear to God, even though one shouldn't swear by God
[Chorus: Darell, Nio García, Casper Mágico]
Baby, I kicked you out (it's that I kicked you out)
I sacked you and let you go (I sacked you and let you go, so that you know)
I sent you to hell, eh, eh (do you understand what we want to say to you? I sent you to hell)
I removed you from my life, eh, eh (this is a real return, we are the Magicians, baby, Real G4 Life, Casper, hey!)
[Verse 3: Casper Mágico]
I kicked you out to hell (whoa!)
Without you, I feel good (ah)
I don't suffer for love anymore, now I break hearts, and the stacks of hundred are leftovers (the stacks of hundred are leftovers)
You broke my heart (you broke my heart, whoa!)
With no sense and reason (with no sense and reason, ah)
But I have a new ass that gives me much love and f*cks me hella good (uh, hella good)
[Chorus: Casper Mágico]
I'm not gonna deny that I suffered for you, I felt bad
But I got over you and I kicked you out of my life (I kicked you out)
And I sacked you and let you go (and let you go)
And I don't wanna know about you (wanna know)
And I sent you to hell, today I go out to drink (drink)
[Verse 4: Ozuna]
I kicked you out of my life and I know you're not just any girl
I'll spend all my life wondering where you went
But your friend always texts me when she wants me
She takes a photo with me and tells me it's for you to see
[Pre-Chorus: Ozuna, Nio García]
I drink to see if I forgot
Your name, your kisses, your body, your moans (oh)
We did it in the car, she screamed in my ear
I close my eyes and I think of all we did, baby (oh)
I drink to see if I forgot
Your name, your kisses, your body, your moans (oh)
We did it in the car, she screamed in my ear
I close my eyes and I think of all we did, baby (oh, Nio!)
[Verse 5: Nio García]
I gave you my trust and you failed me
You mocked me and humiliated me
Far from here you went and you didn't explain
You saw my movie and turned back
Now you wanna know what I think about you
I feel like shit 'cause you're not here
The way you came here is the way for you to leave (it's the way for you to leave)
[Chorus: Nio García]
I'm not gonna deny that I suffered for you, I felt bad
But I got over you and I kicked you out of my life , and I kicked you out
And I sacked you and let you go, I let you go
And I sent you to hell, I sent you
And I removed you from my life, I removed you
Baby, I kicked you out
[Verse 6: Nicky Jam]
I lie if I say I don't miss it when I touched your skin
I lie if I say I don't miss it when you called me at dawn
Asking me to hold you tight in bed and make you my woman
I take the chance of the remix with Ozu to send you to hell
[Pre-Chorus: Nicky Jam]
I want neither lies nor your insincerity
I go out to the street to party tonight
I drink two drinks and I'll forget you
I go with the babies that want to play
I want neither lies nor your insincerity
I go out to the street to party tonight
I drink two drinks and I'll forget you
I go with the babies that want to play
[Chorus: Nicky Jam]
Baby, I kicked you out, kicked you out
I sacked you and let you go, I let you go
I sent you to hell, I sent you
And I removed you from my life, I removed you (removed you)
[Outro: Bad Bunny, Nicky Jam, Ozuna, Darell, *Nio García*, **Casper Mágico**]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bad Bunny, baby, baby
This is the remix
Nicky-Nicky-Nicky Jam
Casper, Darell, Nio García
The nigga with bright eyes
This is the remix
Flow La Movie
Young Martino
Hear This Music
*Young Martino* (haha-haha)
DJ Nelson (hey)
**Mera, díme Kronix Magical**
This is a real turn, you heard me, baby?
**Los de la magía**
*Flow La Movie*
**Mera indica Shorty Complete**
So that she knows
**El verdadero hiju'eputa en las voces**
That's how it is

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